Thursday, July 7, 2011

Picture Books Unsuitable for Children, and Homosexual Cats

The picture you see here is the cover of a bedtime story for adults. Adults like me who have fought the never ending battle of putting children to bed. I know I have it pretty easy. I spent a night with some good friends who also have two small children, and it was then that I realized just how good I have it. Their daughter, who is 18 months old, still wakes up every two hours. Sheesh. I think I would have lost my mind from a lack of sleep. For those of you who know me well, I need my sleep. At least 7 hours. No lie. Anyway, last night Wyatt decided to keep coming to my bed repeatedly. He's five years old. What the heck? No sleep for me. Made me think of this book. You can download an audio book of Samuel L. Jackson reading this. Pure awesomeness. I must warn you that it is full of the language that makes old Sam famous. Just so you know.

So what does this all have to do with homosexual cats? Absolutely nothing. Nothing at all. I stopped by the indoor skatepark my family owns and visited my old cat. Crazy Buster. There is another cat who lives there now, whom my brother has named Captain Steve. My mom said that Steve does things to Buster that...well, he shouldn't. And then Jeff told me that Buster doesn't really object. Hey, I don't judge. Maybe he's still mad about being neutered. At least he has found love.

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